Do you feel strongly about this topic? Want to help fund the documentary that I’ve personally funded myself from march 2021 to april 2024?

This project has taken on such a bigger scope than what I could have ever imagined. if you can help me get this story out by making a donation it would be very appreciated.

Let’s work together

What’s Your Story? I don’t care if you are pro trump or pro biden. i Don’t care what you look like or how you vote. I care about your story and what you can add to the conversation.

Do you have information that can help but want to remain anonymous? No problem.

Are you pro immigrant? Pro border patrol? No problem. The only way we can truly understand a situation this massive is by hearing the voices of everyone involved.

Are you interested in helping me document this story? Send me a message below, or text/whatsapp me at 213-494-7744.